Thursday, April 30, 2009

Training, but not really "in training"

My sister forwarded me a URL for a video today. It's an animation that appears to have picked up some sponsorship from Nike.

Kind of interesting in that the main character very conspicuously has no apparel on at all. Therefore, no product placement.

I did however go for a run once I got home from work, and it was amusing to be smiling when I ran into the woods, or over the crest of a hill, or anything else that had a matching scene from the video.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Off the schedule

Just working out when I feel like it, not on any kind of disciplined schedule. That could mean something like last week where it was swim Friday, 2+ hr bike ride Saturday, all day hike Sunday.

Or maybe it could mean nothing since then but a 4 mile mid intensity run tonight. Interesting to see a consistent running cadence over 80 on the run. Didn't have to focus on that much at all.

Net result may be the same volume per longer period of time, but more fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Have done some stuff lately, but didn't get around to blogging about it. If you could do a bunch of posts at once and back date them I would certainly cheat that way.