Saturday, October 29, 2011

Still working on the swim/bike/run, it just looks like it is all mountain biking all the time now.

Rematch with China Camp today.

Did some stuff I didn't feel up to the first time. A lot of the stuff that looked crazy to me before looked pretty tame today, but some of the new stuff was either gnarly or skinny and the tension level was still a bit higher than it needs to be. This was pretty much the full, good stuff loop.

18.4 miles
2800 feet of climb
2hr54min moving time, 4hr02min total time. Stopped time seems a bit high. Made me wonder if the app calls anything below x mph "stopped" but after looking at the data, not so much. But if anyone needs the lat/long of the porta-potties, let me know.

The track:

[Click for full size image]

The data:

[You can tell the elastic in the heart rate strap has had it. Flat bits in the graph mean no new data for a while because the monitor isn't held against the skin.]

[Click for full size image]

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