Monday, December 24, 2012

This is what it looks like when it is all for fun, and there is no race on the calendar. Started a new job in July. Most of the runs/swims were in the first 6 months of the year. Only in recent weeks have I found a pool that is convenient to hit on the way to/from work and swimming should become more regular again. The dog getting old is a problem for the run stats. He was such a great trail run partner. Year in review: Road rides: 6 Miles: 138 Feet: 13,500 ft/mi: 98 MTB rides: 45 Miles: 602 Feet: 105,000 ft/mi: 175 We ride some steep, and we leave out the flat get-there-and-back stuff! Runs: 42 Miles: 145 Feet: 13,800 ft/mi: 95 Swims: 16 Miles: 11.25 Feet: 0 ft/mi: 0 Gotta learn how to swim uphill.

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