Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tonight's run profile

7 miles

average cadence 83

pace 9:42/mi

climb/decend 660 ft (including one 1/3 mile climb at 10%)

Nothing earth shattering in the above, except that for me 9:40 is a great pace on a hilly trail and my max heart rate on this run was 170. Most of it was in the 160s. Percieved effort was very low. Legs felt like they had good spring in them and were nice and loose. It was definitely cooler out than it has been lately.

Very interesting comparing to other runs of this route in my log book. There were a few other examples I could find of similar (good, for me) times, but they were usually when I was deep into training for a marathon. Even then, although perceived effort was also low then, the measured effort (heart rate) was usually a bit higher on average, and peak was noticeably higher (5-10 bpm).

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