Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Beef vegetable soup = Lake Temescal in September

The lake today was a greenish brown with red highlights here and there. Very cloudy too. But it was over 90 in town and if it was not the perfect day for a cool swim in the local lake there might never be one.

This was the first open water swim since the syncope. The time off not only didn't hurt me but maybe somehow helped. Right away without even thinking about it, it was a lot easier for me to swim straighter than I've ever done before without the benefit of a lane line.

The time in the water was more chill and fun than a workout, but the pace was OK and it was easy to do 2x the race distance I'm planning on doing next week. Short race for sure, but that which is good for ones confidence is good for ones confidence.

Terrible pic of the point to point route out to the lane swim area, then some laps, then point to point back in to shore. I usually just pick a buoy or something and swim toward it to practice sighting.

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