Thursday, August 13, 2009

Last workout before the race.

This image shows pretty well how the normal Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday run/run/bike routine suddenly got crowded with cramming for the swim.

Today is the end of that cram session and there was one last trip to the pool. Swam 450 yards again. Crowding meant having to circle and even stop a few times which strangely led me to swim faster when I had a clear shot. The six beat kick seems to be here to stay. If I'd planned it, it sure wouldn't have been my intent to make a major change to my technique three days before the event, but it just sort of invited itself to the party.

Since I have a kick now, I figured why not try to use what free attention I have to focus on bringing the kick just up to the surface of the water like they say you should. This wasn't too hard and I had the sneaking feeling that it was speeding me up. I counted strokes and came up noticeably less than usual (25 vs low 30s normally -- and this is with no push off or flip turn). Like 20% less. And I was actually having to remind myself to glide a bit more so I could exhale better and get a good inhale when I was ready.

Really looking forward to getting this one in the record books.

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